As members of the Downtown Chilliwack BIA, businesses and commercial property owners receive support and benefits unavailable in any other Chilliwack areas.
The DCBIA provides strength in numbers for small businesses, offering support and advocacy to ensure individual voices aren’t lost. We invest in cleanliness and safety initiatives, as well as general promotion of downtown through marketing and special events. The DCBIA, in partnership with other communities, also has a Health Benefits Program that offers small companies an opportunity for pooled benefits that may otherwise not be affordable.
The Downtown Chilliwack Business Improvement Association, (DCBIA) is a
registered non-profit organization created in 1995 to work with all levels of
Government, Property Owners and local organizations to help facilitate
positive change and provide a collective voice in support of our downtown.
We are run by an elected board of directors, made up of volunteer
commercial property owners and tenants from within our set boundaries.
All our commercial properties and the businesses that reside upon them,
that fall within the DCBIA boundaries shown here are automatic members
of the DCBIA. We are funded by a yearly municipal property tax levy made
up of "A & B"areas. Those in area A, are generally closer to the downtown
core and pay a higher levy. Although there is no applicatgion process to
become a member, we do require Member Registration for all members to
keep them updated through our mailing list and for security reasons with our
QR Code emergency directory. From our office at historic Five Corners in the
heart of the downtown core, the DCBIA represents over 400 unique and
very diverse businesses.
The DCBIA advocates for economic and business development, cultural
and business diversity and works to ensure Downtown Chilliwack continues
to be a vibrant destination location for locals and tourists alike.
The DCBIA promotes the area and it's members. We also encourage new
business recruitment and help to beautify our commercial areas. We
provide a positive, unified voice and work with our community partners to
help improve the social well being of the community.
The revitalization of Downtown Chilliwack is a cooperative effort, requiring
a considerable investment of time, energy and resources, and the
DCBIA takes a lead role in the communication and promotion of those
efforts. We highlight the information, agencies and resources to help you
with your venture. We advocate for our member property owners and
businesses to ensure that they receive support and resources unique to
Downtown Chilliwack.
If you’re a new business startup, a relocation, an expansion, or if you’re
looking for development and investment opportunities, the BIA is your
point of contact for inquiries and information. Call us 604.792.4576
Trevor McDonald,
Executive Director
Downtown Chilliwack Business Improvement Association.
DCBIA Boundary Map

The Honourable David Eby, Premier of British Columbia, the Honourable Dan Coulter, M.L.A. Chilliwack and Ken Popove, Mayor of Chilliwack take a summer tour of the DCBIA shops and discuss future development projects in historic Five Corners with DCBIA Executive Director, Trevor McDonald.