The Downtown Chilliwack Business Improvement Association will host its Annual General Meeting beginning at 5:30 pm on Thursday, June 27th, 2024 at the Coast Chilliwack Hotel by APA on First Avenue. Registration in person for the event starts at 5:00 pm.
Your attendance at this event is important. Only pre-registered voters that meet the criteria below will be able to participate in the discussion, motions and voting.
The Annual General Meeting of the BIA members is free to attend and is designed to review the previous year and help direct the future of the Association.
Members will hear from BIA Directors and office staff as we discuss successes, challenges, strategies and new initiatives. Members present at the meeting will have the opportunity to review the financial statements of 2023, preview the BIA operating budget for 2025, and vote to approve the nominated 2024/25 Board of Directors.
Each Commercial Property Owner and Business Tenant within the BIA are eligible to receive 1 vote. No individual may hold more than 1 vote, regardless of number of properties or businesses they own.
If members own multiple properties or businesses, they may authorize representatives to register for additional votes. The same applies if the Business Tenant is also the Property Owner, resulting in the opportunity for a second vote.
This years AGM will include a review of the 2023 Financial Statements, a preview of the 2025 operating budget, votes on bylaw amendments and an introduction to your 2024 / 2025 Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors is made up of 10 Elected members of the DCBIA – (5) Owners and (5) Tenants – Each voted in for two-year terms to represent the interests of the membership and help guide the Association. The Board also includes (2) Ex-officio members from the City of Chilliwack.
As new seats open up, candidates for the vacant Board positions can be officially nominated by any DCBIA member.
Nominations must be received in writing via email or by post to the BIA office no later than Thursday, June 3rd, 2024 @ 4:00 pm. All questions or correspondence regarding the AGM, including nominating candidates, can be directed to the DCBIA office. trevor@downtownchilliwack.com. As of June 3rd, 2024, no nominations were received.
Beverages and Appys will be served at the AGM and a casual get together is scheduled after the AGM meeting in the hotel lounge for those who wish to stay. We do hope you will join us in the lounge following the event.
Pre Registration is easy! Click HERE to register.